Thursday, March 29, 2012

art/my problem

izit me or is art??
izit true or it isn't?
izit faith or izit not??

everytime i try my best to do something right it always turn out worse then i though...
i cant afford for another failure... i just cant...
alot ppl will look down me and alot will be dissapointed...
if god will bless then where the fuck is the blessing??
event blessing can delay??

DAMN it!!! just hate everything in this world...
who is the fuck ass man who make this world study only will find a better job... i will seriously dig that asshole grave

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


两个人吵架了...先说 ‘‘对不起" 的不是认输 , 而是更珍惜这段友情
是吗??你真的明白这句吗?? 那么久你连一句对不起都没对我说...
【两个人吵架了...先说 ‘‘对不起" 的不是认输 , 而是更珍惜这段友情】